A Makeover of Maxine Salon
Posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 1:09 PM
We are very excited to officially announce the redesign and relaunch of Maxine Salon's website.
Maxine Salon describes itself as "one of the leading salons of the world and a top-rated Chicago salon just steps away from Michigan Avenue. They're progressive and chic, with a first-rate reputation and a friendly, nurturing staff."
Tasty CMS previously worked with Maxine Salon and helped them transition onto our content management system to help streamline making updates to their website.
We invite you to visit their website, take a look around and tell us what you think!

Maxine Kroll, Maxine Salon
The beauty of our relationship was in its start. I didn’t know I needed them and then Amy appeared in my life. She simply and clearly answered a question I had at a Crave Chat. But later she so very graciously and kindly provided a fuller response after she took it upon herself to evaluate my site. I was amazed by the genuine concern she showed for me and her generous sharing of expertise. From that very first email I knew she wanted to help not sell. She taught me about what Tasty CMS could do for me yet always gave me the space to make my own decisions.
When I was ready to call upon Amy and Ed for a proposal they again very precisely detailed the efforts that would be required at their end and the cost it would take to do it. I found the proposal to be very fairly priced for the efforts required making it possible for me to come on board with Tasty CMS. Throughout the process of conversion they held our hands and gave us the education we needed to continue to make the right decisions. The entire process was seamless. Our site is up and running with Tasty CMS now and it has never looked or functioned better. We have drop-down menus, easy site navigation and a better overall experience for our users not to mention a much improved backend operation. We are now in charge of our own world. We have complete control of our site and can constantly keep it fresh. I can’t thank them enough. And now I have two new friends!

Mike Praser, Maxine Salon
For years we had to contact our web developer, who hosted our web site, in order to change content on our site. We just wanted to do the editing on our own and our web developer wanted us to pay for a brand new site so that we could have a Content Management System. They explained that a Content Management System or CMS was the best way to be able to edit our site. We had already paid plenty of money to our web developer and didn't want to spend any more money with them.
Then, through Crave Chicago, we met the wonderful people at Tasty CMS. For only a fraction of the cost our previous web developer wanted, they were able to transfer our current design and we have complete control with their Content Management System. We also save money on our hosting services too. Switching over to Tasty CMS was the best thing we ever did for our website and now we can customize everything from adding new pages, moving pages around, adding blogs, etc.. Plus the customer service that they provide is so much better than what we were getting with our previous web developer/host. I email Tasty CMS a question or concern and they get back to me with a fix every time within minutes. I wish we met Tasty CMS when we were starting our website. It would have saved us a lot of money and I love having complete control over our website. Thank you Tasty CMS. You guys rock!
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