Windows 8 Preview

Posted on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 6:26 PM

Today, Microsoft revealed an early prototype of Windows 8 which is staged to run desktops, laptops and tablets - "One OS to rule them all (expect for phone)". It's a very early beta that won't run on today's tablets whose chips aren't powerful enough. But Paul Thurrott, an attendee at the event believes that this is an iPad killer (oh boy)

"Hello, Windows 8? This is iPad. You win."less than a minute ago via MetroTwit Favorite Retweet Reply


It can't even run on a tablet and won't for another year and somehow Apple and the iPad should just give up and go home. How can Microsoft and Windows 8 declare victory?

I knew Gruber over at Daring Fireball would be all over this and he gets it so perfectly right:

To me, what these Windows writers are doing is like a baseball writer who today has started writing about what might happen in next season’s playoffs, because the team he follows is doing so poorly this season. We’ve got “is good today” against “might be good in a year”. The actually good versus the potentially good.

Brutal honesty like always.

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