Bottomless Closet

Jude Andrews CEO, Bottomless Closet Inc.
It is a rare thing when you find a company like Tasty CMS. Not only are they experts in their field but they also listen to understand, engage their clients, respond appropriately and follow though promptly with their promises. I loved working with them and I knew NOTHING about designing a website!
They made it easy for us to collect our ideas and translate them to a web presence that works for our organization. Not only are they good at their job but they are super people, brimming with integrity and ideas. Tasty CMS may be a rare company but I found them and so should you!
Contact: Ed or Amy Knittel FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Phone: 312.772.3933
Tasty CMS Announces Redesign and Relaunch of
Tasty CMS donates their content management system and services to give local non-profit, Bottomless Closet, control over their website.
1.28.2010 – CHICAGO, Illinois – Fresh into the new year, Tasty CMS is giving back to the community with the redesign of a local not-for-profit's website.
To celebrate another great year of business, Tasty CMS decided to give back to the community that has given so much to them by offering their website expertise to a local non-profit. It just so happened, that Bottomless Closet was looking to redo their existing site and better organize their content. After meeting with Jude Andrews, CEO of Bottomless Closet, Ed and Amy Knittel, Tasty CMS co-founders, knew instantly that Bottomless Closet could benefit greatly from their services.
Through Give Back Chicago, a local organization that connects not-for-profits with professionals looking to volunteer their services and experience, Tasty CMS and Bottomless Closet began working on the redesign late in 2009.
After a thorough review, Tasty CMS saw opportunities for immediate changes that would make Bottomless Closet's website more digestible and their online presence more visible. The home page was redesigned with a strong emphasis on imagery as well as three key points, which call upon the visitor to take action by donating funds, giving clothes and volunteering. Tasty CMS also created a consistent look and feel throughout the rest of the site making the navigation clearer and using the colors from their existing identity.
Not everyone, however, benefits from the type of services Tasty CMS provides. "We look to work with businesses and organizations that want to be in control of their website," said Ed. "That type of commitment takes hard work and dedication. Amy adds, "You have to be willing to regularly update your website. Tasty CMS gives you the tools to do that, while teaching you that if you're willing to take ownership of your website we can make that happen, through support, guidance and our technical expertise.
About Bottomless Closet
Started in 1991 by four local women, the mission of Bottomless Closet is to support low-income women in transition by providing business professional clothing, career skills and image coaching, empowering them to interview with confidence, gain employment and achieve economic self-sufficiency. For more information about Bottomless Closet, please visit
About Tasty CMS
Tasty CMS is the husband and wife team of Ed and Amy Knittel. They offer an economic and creative solution for website management that allows businesses and individuals to edit, add/delete, and upload content without the need for a designer or web developer. Their unique system comes preloaded with useful modules that make adding and arranging content—text, documents, photos, videos, and even incorporating Google maps—a snap! For more information about Tasty CMS, please visit or call 312-772-3933.
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